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I suffered from allergic reactions since childhood. This continued as I had to work in the office under the AC for 8 long hours. To get rid of it, I took antibiotics. Then someone suggested me to use Pankajakasthuri Breathe Eazy. After I started using it, within a week my symptoms were reduced and in a month, my troubles were healed to a considerable extent. Pankajakasthuri Breathe Eazy is extremely effective in treating your breathing troubles in the most natural way. This Ayurvedic concoction of herbs and other natural ingredients dilate your respiratory tract and help in breathing. Raneha Puri
Placed on May 9, 2018
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I suffered from severe Knee problems and JointPain. Then one day I came across an advertisement for Pankajakasthuri OrthoherbOil and Tablets. I was glad that I made the right decision of using them. As the days passed, I started feeling better. And now I can walk and even climb the steps of temple. Earlier because of the severe knee and joint pain I had difficulty using the toilet. But now with the Pain gone, I feel relieved. Thanks to OrthoherbOil and tablets from Pankajakasthuri. With unique formulation of natural herbs used in Ayurveda, Orthoherb Oil and Tablets are just what you need to treat your muscle and joint pain. Thank You Pankajakasthuri!! Sarada
Placed on May 8, 2018
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On a scale of 1 to 10, my KneePain was at 10. I had constant ache and a limp while walking. After coming across an advertisement of Pankajakasthuri Orthoherb on TV, I began taking the Tablets. I started feeling the difference within a few weeks and in 3 to 4 months my knee pain was gone. Pankajakasthuri OrthoherbTablets not only treat joint pain and MuscleSpasms, but also rejuvenate the affected areas. Filled with the goodness of 23 Herbs, Pankajakasthuri Orthoherb eases Knee and JointPain without causing any side effects. Marimuthu
Placed on May 8, 2018
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Until the age of 40, I was extremely fit and used to go to work regularly. However, after 40, I started having breathing trouble. It was so serious that after walking 10 steps, I would fall short of breath. I had no other option but to rely on steroid and inhalers. But once I started using Pankajakasthuri Breathe Eazy, I noticed a significant improvement in my condition. Pankajakasthuri BreathEazy is a unique Ayurvedic formula that is enriched with herbs and other natural ingredients. It helps in dilating your respiratory tract, thus, relieving any breathing trouble. This Ayurvedic medicine prevents any hypersensitivity reaction and also boosts your immunity against allergens. Sharad Paigude
Placed on May 8, 2018
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Initially, I had Pain in my knees which slowly escalated to the ankle and back. Due to the pain, I would find it discomforting to pray. I used to visit the doctor every 15 days but was of no help. It was after I started using PankajakasthuriOrthoherb that my pain was relieved. PankajakasthuriOrthoherbOil and Tablet are a one-stop solution for treating all types of #Joint and muscle pain. OrthoherbOil and Tablet have anti-inflammatory properties which are helpful in providing quick relief. Nafisa
Placed on April 26, 2018